Cristian Taborda
Cristian has been collaborating as a research assistant for Professor Struben since January 2018. His research focuses on modelling the conceptual, methodological, and empirical challenges in achieving sustainable pathways of diffusion by studying underlying mechanisms influencing market formation. Cristian holds an MSc in Business Administration from Radboud University in the Netherlands together with an MPhil in System Dynamics Modelling. This was a joint diploma from Bergen University (Norway), Palermo University (Italy) and Lisbon University (Portugal). Prior to that, he obtained a BSc in Economics and International Business from ICESI University in Colombia. In line with his prior research experience, Cristian’s academic interests are driven primarily by tackling complex managerial and societal challenges. From September 2019, he will start his PhD research in which he aims to lay out a framework for understanding the hurdles and opportunities to shift towards sustainable, healthy, circular and resource-efficient food systems.
European Master in System Dynamics - Consortium Scholarship – 2015 to 2017. Erasmus Mundus programme funded by the Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the Commission of the European Communities
Icesos' Scholarship for undergraduate studies - 2008 to 2013. Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia
Jan 2018 – Ongoing: Research Assistant: System dynamics modelling, emlyon business school, Ecully France
Sep 2017 – Dec 2017: Teaching Assistant at the faculty of management, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands. His main responsibility was to lecture seminars and support bachelor and pre-master students with their assignments for the courses Methods of Research and Interventions, and Qualitative Research Methods.
Feb 2017 - Aug 2017: Supply Chain Modelling Internship, Eneco Group in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. His main responsibility was to update and extend a quantitative supply chain model for Toon, one of the innovations of the company, as well as elicit information from the stakeholders through group model building sessions.
Trejos, Cristian, Adrian Van Deemen, Yeny E Rodríguez and Juan M Gómez (2018). "Overconfidence and disposition effect in the stock market: A Micro world based setting." Journal of Behavioural and Experimental Finance, the Netherlands DOI: 10.1016/j.jbef.2018.11.001
Henao, Felipe, Julián Benavides, Harrison Sandoval, Cristian Trejos and Frances O'Brien (2017). "Understanding the role of OR/MS in the strategic decisions of Colombian organizations - an exploratory study." Pesquisa Operacional, Brasil DOI: 10.1590/0101-7438.2017.037.01.0001
Flórez, Oscar, Cristian Trejos and Mauricio Becerra (2016) "Hybrid pull-push model in the telecommunications sector." Revista Ingeniería Industrial, Chile